Authors Irrazabal T, Thakur BK, Kang M, et al. Citation Nat Commun. 2020; 11:1802. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7156452
Association of Body Mass Index With Colorectal Cancer Risk by Genome-Wide Variants
Authors Campbell PT, Lin Y, Bien SA, Figueiredo JC, et al. Citation JNCI. 2020 Apr 23. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7781451
Modifiable pathways for colorectal cancer: A mendelian randomisation analysis
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Circulating adipokine concentrations and risk of five obesity-related cancers: A Mendelian randomization study
Authors Dimou NL, Papadimitriou N, Mariosa D, et al. Citation Int J Cancer. 2020 Oct 10. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7894468
A general framework for functionally informed set-based analysis: Application to a large-scale colorectal cancer study
Authors Dong X, Su YR, Barfield R, et al. Citation Plos Genetics. 2020 Aug 24;16(8):e1008947. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7470748
Monoallelic NTHL1 Loss of Function Variants and Risk of Polyposis and Colorectal Cancer
Authors Elsayed FA, Grolleman JE, Ragunathan A, et al. Citation Gastroenterology. 2020 Aug 26;S0016-5085(20)35113-1. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7899696
Do the risks of Lynch syndrome-related cancers depend on the parent of origin of the mutation?
Authors Gemechu SD, van Vliet CM, Win AK, et al. Citation Fam Cancer. 2020 Feb 27. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7410789
Identifying Novel Susceptibility Genes for Colorectal Cancer Risk From a Transcriptome-Wide Association Study of 125,478 Subjects
Authors Guo X, Lin W, Wen W, Huyghe J, et al. Citation Gastroenterology. 2020 Oct 12; S0016-5085(20)35243-4. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7956223
Potential impact of family history-based screening guildelines on the detection of early-onset colorectal cancer
Authors Gupta S, Bharti B, Ahnen DJ, et al Citation Cancer. 2020 Apr 20. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7702222
Intake of dietary fruit, vegetables, and fiber and risk of colorectal cancer according to molecular subtypes: A pooled analysis
Authors Hidaka A, Harrison TA, Cao Y, et al. Citation Cancer Res. 2020 Aug 14:canres.0168.2020. PubMedLink PMCID PMC7572895