The CCFR comprises a rich resource of data and biospecimens that has been growing since 1998. See below for an overview1 of the available resources we provide to world leading research.
Recruitment Summary
15,051 Families
42,502 Participants
32,790 Population-based Participants
9,712 Clinic-based Participants
Colorectal Cancer Status
Probands with2 colorectal cancer: 9,998
Probands without3 colorectal cancer: 4,800
Relatives with colorectal cancer: 2,261
Relatives without colorectal cancer: 24,508
Colorectal cancers diagnosed since recruitment: 1,289
Collected Materials
Blood/saliva samples donated by participants: 32,445
Tumor specimens from colorectal cancer (CRC) cases (including 504 incident CRCs): 9,692
Tumor specimens from incident other cancers: 277
RECRUITMENT | Male | Female | Total |
Population-based families |
| 13,191 |
Probands with colorectal cancer | 4,322 | 4,418 | 8,740 |
Relatives with colorectal cancer | 497 | 548 | 1,045 |
Relatives without colorectal cancer | 7,232 | 9,788 | 17,020 |
Spouse Controls | 369 | 566 | 935 |
Proband Controls | 2,071 | 2,202 | 4,273 |
Relatives | 310 | 467 | 777 |
Total population-based participants | 14,801 | 17,989 | 32,790 |
Clinic-based families |
| 1,860 |
Probands with colorectal cancer | 713 | 670 | 1,383 |
Probands without colorectal cancer | 124 | 278 | 402 |
Relatives with colorectal cancer | 580 | 618 | 1,198 |
Relatives without colorectal cancer | 2,944 | 3,785 | 6,729 |
Total clinic-based participants | 4,361 | 5,351 | 9,712 |
Total Participants | 19,162 | 23,340 | 42,502 |
Total Families | 15,048 |
Participant Age at Enrolment

Click images to zoom in
Participation Since Baseline*

*Excludes population-based control families as they were not followed up.
Collected Materials
Population-based families (N=13,191) | Probands with colorectal cancer | Relatives with colorectal cancer | Relatives without colorectal cancer | Controls |
Baseline epidemiologic survey data | 8,740 | 1,043 | 17,022 | 5,985 |
1st Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 5,634 | 742 | 13,703 | 2,044 |
2nd Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 4,056 | 548 | 10,981 | 1,250 |
3rd Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 2,831 | 357 | 7,943 | 492 |
4th Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 1,427 | 159 | 4,253
| 330
5th Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) data | 4,500 | 489 | 7,400 | 3,347 |
Blood/buccal samples | ||||
– EBV transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines | 1,481 | 58 | 79 | 1,238 |
– Germline MMR (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and/or PMS2) data | 1,920 | 205 | 1,016 | 43 |
– Germline MutYH data | 7,325 | 139 | 3,006 | 2,541 |
– Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) data | 7,482 | 294 | 1,327 | 2,764 |
Colorectal tissue material | ||||
– CRC tumor 40x digitized H&E images (.svs format) | 4,756 | 359 | n/a | n/a |
– CRC tumor pathology report abstraction data | 8,131 | 621 | n/a | n/a |
– Clinical diagnosis and treatment abstraction data (Phase I) | 3,959 | 107 | n/a | n/a |
– CRC tumor MMR (MSI and/or IHC) data | 6,802 | 474 | n/a | n/a |
– CRC tumor BRAFv600E data | 6,249 | 294 | n/a | n/a |
– CRC tumor KRAS codons 12 and 13 somatic mutation data | 6,012 | 298 | n/a | n/a |
– CRC tumor MLH1 promoter methylation data (tested if MLH1d) | 2,340 | 80 | n/a | n/a |
– CRC tumor CpG-island methylator phenotype (CIMP) data | 3,592 | 153 | n/a | n/a |
Colorectal polyp material | ||||
– CR polyp pathology report abstraction data | 3,739 | 329 | 447 | 20 |
Total person life-years | 91,539 | 12,813 | 250,091 | 45,896 |
Cause of death data | 3,311 | 401 | 2,128 | 660 |
Clinic-based families (N=1,860) | Probands with colorectal cancer | Probands without colorectal cancer | Relatives with colorectal cancer | Relatives without colorectal cancer |
Baseline epidemiologic survey data | 1,383 | 402 | 1,198 | 6,729 |
1st Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 1,042 | 370 | 952 | 5,903 |
2nd Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 836 | 330 | 737 | 5,015 |
3rd Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 514 | 207 | 487 | 3,444 |
4th Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 215 | 83 | 222 | 1,455 |
5th Follow-up epidemiologic survey data | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) data | 507 | 236 | 685 | 3,803 |
Blood/buccal samples | ||||
– EBV transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines | 236 | 58 | 22 | 21 |
– Germline MMR (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and/or PMS2) data | 797 | 237 | 638 | 2,677 |
– Germline MutYH data | 1,029 | 88 | 15 | 69 |
– Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) data | 388 | 33 | 333 | 214 |
Colorectal tissue material | ||||
– CRC tumor 40x digitized H&E images (.svs format) | 849 | n/a | 383 | n/a |
– CRC tumor pathology report abstraction data | 1,259 | n/a | 709 | n/a |
– Clinical diagnosis and treatment abstraction data (Phase I) | 654 | n/a | 21 | n/a |
– CRC tumor MMR (MSI and/or IHC) data | 1,074 | n/a | 565 | n/a |
– CRC tumor BRAFv600E data | 882 | n/a | 381 | n/a |
– CRC tumor KRAS codons 12 and 13 somatic mutation data | 905 | n/a | 451 | n/a |
– CRC tumor MLH1 promoter methylation data (tested if MLH1d) | 406 | n/a | 232 | n/a |
– CRC tumor CpG-island methylator phenotype (CIMP) data | 50 | 177 | 51 | n/a |
Colorectal polyp material | ||||
– CR polyp pathology report abstraction data | 690 | 177 | 430 | 476 |
Total person life-years | 16,598 | 5,427 | 14,802 | 95,675 |
Cause of death data | 473 | 50 | 433 | 993 |