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Association between post-treatment circulating biomarkers of inflammation and survival among stage II-III colorectal cancer patients
Authors Hua X, Kratz M, Malen RC, et al. Citation Br J Cancer. 2021 Jul 6. PubMedLink PMCID PMC8438064
Genetic variants associated with circulating C-reactive protein levels and colorectal cancer survival: Sex- and lifestyle factors- specific associations
Authors Huang Y, Hua X, Labadie JD, et al. Citation Int J Cancer. 2021 Dec 9. PubMedLink PMCID PMC8897240
Genetic architectures of proximal and distal colorectal cancer are partly distinct
Authors Huyghe JR, Harrison TA, Bien SA, et al. Citation Gut 2021 Feb 25;gutjnl-2020-321534. PubMedLink PMCID PMC8223655