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Associations between Genetically Predicted Blood Protein Biomarkers and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
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Genome-Wide Association Study Data Reveal Genetic Susceptibility to Chronic Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Risk
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Incorporating multiple sets of eQTL weights into gene-by-environment interaction analysis identifies novel susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer
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Mendelian Randomization Analysis of n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Levels and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
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Physical activity and risks of breast and colorectal cancer: A Mendelian randomisation analysis
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A combined proteomics and Mendelian randomization approach to investigate the effects of aspirin-targeted proteins on colorectal cancer
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A Latent Unknown Clustering Integrating Multi-Omics Data (LUCID) With Phenotypic Traits
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Association Between Molecular Subtypes of Colorectal Tumors and Patient Survival, Based on Pooled Analysis of 7 International Studies
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The Impact of a Comprehensive Risk Prediction Model for Colorectal Cancer on a Population Screening Program
Authors Saya S, Emery JD, Dowty JG, et al. Citation JNCI Cancer Spectrum. 2020 Oct; 4(5): PubMedLink PMCID PMC7583148