Module: derived

Module Contents


1CENTER_NOnumber (2,0)Required:true
Center Identification Number.
Allowable Values
11Sinai Health Systems (formerly Cancer Care Ontario)
12University of Southern California Consortium (USCC)
13University of Melbourne
14University of Hawaii Cancer Center
15Mayo Clinic
16Fred Hutch, Seattle
17University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) (formerly CPIC, originally Northern California (NCCC))

2PERSON_IDstring (12)Required:true
Number that Uniquely Identifies an Individual.

3IHC_STATUS_PERSONnumber (1,0)Required:true
IHC status of person tested. It considers IHC results for ALL colorectal cancer tumor types and excludes all non-colorectal malignancies, adenomas, metastases and in situ carcinomas. It does not restrict to qualifying tumors. Colorectal cancer is defined by ICDO3 site codes C180, C181, C182, C183, C184, C185, C186, C187, C188, C189, C199, C209, C218, C260 and a malignant tumor (BEHAV=3).
Allowable Values
-8No data transmitted
-7NA/Out of scope: Individual has IHC record, but no markers having values 0,1,2, or 4.
1NORMAL MMR protein expression
2ABSENCE of MMR protein expression

4MSI_STATUS_PERSONnumber (1,0)Required:true
MSI status of person tested. It considers MSI results for ALL colorectal cancer tumor types and excludes all non-colorectal malignancies, adenomas, metastases and in situ carcinomas. It does not restrict to qualifying tumors. Colon cancer is defined by ICDO3 site codes C180, C181, C182, C183, C184, C185, C186, C187, C188, C189, C199, C209, C218, C260 and a malignant tumor (BEHAV=3).
Allowable Values
-8No data transmitted
-7NA/Out of scope: An MSI record, but no Stable, Low, or High tissue-level result recorded.
1STABLE: No High or Low tissue-level results, but at least one Stable.
2LOW: No High tissue-level results, but at least one Low.
3HIGH: At least one High tissue-level result

5MSIIHC_STATUS_PERSONnumber (1,0)Required:true
MMR status for person tested. An overall MMR status is derived per person by collating MSI and IHC results for ALL colorectal cancer tumor types and excluding all non-colorectal malignancies, adenomas, metastases and in situ carcinomas. It does not restrict to qualifying tumors.
Allowable Values
-8 No data transmitted from centers for MSI_STATUS_TISSUE -AND- IHC_STATUS_TISSUE
-7 NA/Out of Scope – MSI_STATUS_TISSUE and IHC_STATUS_TISSUE are -7; -OR-, one of them is -7 and the other is -8.
1 Proficient MMR 1 – MSI_STATUS_TISSUE is Stable (1) or Low (2) -OR- IHC_STATUS_TISSUE is Normal (1), but not both
2 Proficient MMR 2 – MSI_STATUS_TISSUE is Stable (1) or Low (2) -AND- IHC_STATUS_TISSUE is Normal (1) (both are true)
3 Defective MMR 1 – MSI_STATUS_TISSUE is High (3) -OR- IHC_STATUS_TISSUE is Absent (2), but not both
4 Defective MMR 2 – MSI_STATUS_TISSUE is High (3) -AND- IHC_STATUS_TISSUE is Absent (2) (both are true)