Family Membership

Module: family-history

Module Contents

  1. family-membership

1CENTER_NOnumber (2,0)Required:true
Center Identification Number
Allowable Values
11Sinai Health Systems (formerly Cancer Care Ontario)
12University of Southern California Consortium (USCC)
13University of Melbourne
14University of Hawaii Cancer Center
15Mayo Clinic
16Fred Hutch, Seattle
17University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) (formerly CPIC, originally Northern California (NCCC))

2FAMILY_ID (PK*)string (9)Required:true
Family identification number uniquely identifying a family. Consists of concatenated CENTER_NO (2 digits; digits 1-2) + local family number (7 digits; digits 3-9). The last portion of the number (7 digit part) should be right justified, zero filled. Ex: Family Id 12345 from Australia Colon Center should be: 130012345. *FAMILY_ID + PERSON_ID are the primary key for the table.

3PERSON_ID (PK*)string (12)Required:true
Number that uniquely identifies an individual. Consists of concatenation of CENTER_NO (2 digit; digits 1-2) + (10 digit local unique individual id; digits 3-12). The 10 digit individual number component should be right justified, zero filled. Ex: Individual Id 98765 from Australia Colon Center should be: 130000098765. *FAMILY_ID + PERSON_ID are the primary key for the table.

4PROBAND_FLGnumber (1,0)Required:false
Flag indicating that individual is the proband. Note: multiple records within a family may be flagged as a proband for families sampled with population-based criteria.
Allowable Values
1First identified or only proband
2Second identified proband
3Third identified proband
4Forth identified proband
5Fifth identified proband

5PROBAND_TYPEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Type of proband.
Allowable Values
1Affected proband (Affected with a CRC at enrollment)
2Unaffected proband (Unaffected with CRC at enrollment)
3Population-based control
4Recruited as a population-based case, but it was later determined their qualifying tumor was not a malignant colorectal cancer

6SPOUSE_CONTROL_IDstring (12)Required:false
PERSON_ID of a non-blood relative that was specifically recruited as a control, who is the spouse of a population-based case proband or family member. The ID of this spouse control is to be populated for the proband or relative they are linked to. That is, the proband/family member record would have the variable SPOUSE_CONTROL_ID set to the PERSON_ID of their spouse specifically serving as a control. Note: A proband or a family member may have a spouse control but the spouse may not have the proband or family member as a spouse control.

7FUNDING_PHASEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Funding phase (and source) for recruitment of proband.
Allowable Values
1Phase I (NCI), initial funding (first 5 years of funding, includes Yr-5 interim funding)
2Phase II (NCI), first renewal funding (second 5 years of funding)
3Phase III (NCI), second renewal funding (third 5 years of funding)
4Minority RO1 Funding (NCI)
5Non-NIH Funding Source

8PROB_WGTnumber (9,6)Required:false
Weight for population-based probands that does NOT take response/participation rates into account.

9P_FRACTIONnumber (4,3)Required:false
The sampling fraction, based on ascertainment criteria such as family history, ethnicity, age of diagnosis etc. The probability of being sampled. It does not take response/participation rates into account. Applicable to population-based probands.

10P_POP_TYPEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Type of recruitment for population-based probands.
Allowable Values
1Incident: The CRC is the probands first CRC diagnosis, and it was made during the CFR recruitment period
2Previous Incident: The qualifying tumor is an incident or ‘first CRC’, but the diagnosis date is prior to the CFR recruitment period. In other words, the proband had one CRC diagnosis up to enrollment in the CFR, prior to the ‘CFR recruitment period’.
3Second primary (previously referred to as ‘prevalent’). The qualifying tumor is not the first CRC. In other words, the proband had one or more CRC diagnoses prior to a CRC diagnosis during the CFR recruitment period. The new (or subsequent) CRC is flagged as the ‘qualifying tumor’.

11RELATION_CODEstring (3)Required:true
An internal code to describe the individuals relationship to the primary proband (proband_flag ; 1 First identified or only proband) in a family. Will serve as a foreign key to a new relationship meta-table that contains the code, degree of relationship, English description of the relationship and potentially other attributes.
Code1DegreeDescriptionCommon Name
0S00 SelfProband
0S11 ChildDaughter/son
0S22 GrandchildGranddaughter/son
0S33 Great grandchildGreat granddaughter/son
0T00 Twin sibling (identical)Sister/brother
0F01 Full siblingSister/brother
0H02 Half siblingSister/brother
0U02 Unkn sibling (one parent is unknown)Sister/brother
0T11 Twin siblings childNiece/nephew
0T22 Twin siblings grandchildGrandniece/nephew
0T33 Twin siblings great grandchildGreat grandniece/nephew
0F12 Full siblings childNiece/nephew
0F23 Full siblings grandchildGrandniece/nephew
0F34 Full siblings great grandchildGreat grandniece/nephew
0H13 Half siblings childNiece/nephew
0H24 Half siblings grandchildGrandniece/nephew
0H35 Half siblings great grandchildGreat grandniece/nephew
0U13 Unkn siblings childNiece/nephew
0U24 Unkn siblings grandchildGrandniece/nephew
0U35 Unkn siblings great grandchildGreat grandniece/nephew
1S01 ParentMother/father
2S02 GrandparentGrandmother/father
3S03 Great grandparentGreat grandmother/father
4S04 Great-great grandparentGreat-great grandmother/father
1T01 Parents twin siblingAunt/uncle
1F02 Parents full siblingAunt/uncle
1H03 Parents half siblingAunt/uncle
1U03 Parents unkn siblingAunt/uncle
1T12 Parents twin siblings child1st cousin
1T23 Parents twin siblings grandchild1st cousin 1x rem
1T34 Parents twin siblings great grandchild1st cousin 2x rem
1T45 Parents twin siblings great-great grandchild1st cousin 3x rem
1F13 Parents full siblings child1st cousin
1F24 Parents full siblings grandchild1st cousin 1x rem
1F35 Parents full siblings great grandchild1st cousin 2x rem
1F46 Parents full siblings great-great grandchild1st cousin 3x rem
1H14 Parents half siblings child1st cousin
1H25 Parents half siblings grandchild1st cousin 1x rem
1H36 Parents half siblings great grandchild1st cousin 2x rem
1H47 Parents half siblings great-great grandchild1st cousin 3x rem
1U14 Parents unkn siblings child1st cousin
1U25 Parents unkn siblings grandchild1st cousin 1x rem
1U36 Parents unkn siblings great grandchild1st cousin 2x rem
1U47 Parents unkn siblings great-great grandchild1st cousin 3x rem
2T02 Grandparents twin siblingGrandaunt/uncle
2F03 Grandparents full siblingGrandaunt/uncle
2H04 Grandparents half siblingGrandaunt/uncle
2U04 Grandparents unkn siblingGrandaunt/uncle
2T13 Grandparents twin siblings child1st cousin 1x rem
2T24 Grandparents twin siblings grandchild2nd cousin
2T35 Grandparents twin siblings great grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
2T46 Grandparents twin siblings great-great grandchild2nd cousin 2x rem
2T57 Grandparents twin siblings great-great-great grandchild2nd cousin 3x rem
2F14 Grandparents full siblings child1st cousin 1x rem
2F25 Grandparents full siblings grandchild2nd cousin
2F36 Grandparents full siblings great grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
2F47 Grandparents full siblings great-great grandchild2nd cousin 2x rem
2F58 Grandparents full siblings great-great-great grandchild2nd cousin 3x rem
2H15 Grandparents half siblings child1st cousin 1x rem
2H26 Grandparents half siblings grandchild2nd cousin
2H37 Grandparents half siblings great grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
2H48 Grandparents half siblings great-great grandchild2nd cousin 2x rem
2H59 Grandparents half siblings great-great-great grandchild2nd cousin 3x rem
2U15 Grandparents unkn siblings child1st cousin 1x rem
2U26 Grandparents unkn siblings grandchild2nd cousin
2U37 Grandparents unkn siblings great grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
2U48 Grandparents unkn siblings great-great grandchild2nd cousin 2x rem
2U59 Grandparents unkn siblings great-great-great grandchild2nd cousin 3x rem
3T03 Great grandparents twin siblingGreat grandaunt/uncle
3F04 Great grandparents full siblingGreat grandaunt/uncle
3H05 Great grandparents half siblingGreat grandaunt/uncle
3U05 Great grandparents unkn siblingGreat grandaunt/uncle
3T14 Great grandparents twin siblings child2nd cousin 2x rem
3T25 Great grandparents twin siblings grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
3T36 Great grandparents twin siblings great grandchild3rd cousin
3T47 Great grandparents twin siblings great-great grandchild3rd cousin 1x rem
3T58 Great grandparents twin siblings great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 2x rem
3T69 Great grandparents twin siblings great-great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 3x rem
3F15 Great grandparents full siblings child2nd cousin 2x rem
3F26 Great grandparents full siblings grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
3F37 Great grandparents full siblings great grandchild3rd cousin
3F48 Great grandparents full siblings great-great grandchild3rd cousin 1x rem
3F59 Great grandparents full siblings great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 2x rem
3F610 Great grandparents full siblings great-great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 3x rem
3H16 Great grandparents half siblings child2nd cousin 2x rem
3H27 Great grandparents half siblings grandchild2nd cousin 1x rem
3H38 Great grandparents half siblings great grandchild3rd cousin
3H49 Great grandparents half siblings great-great grandchild3rd cousin 1x rem
3H510 Great grandparents half siblings great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 2x rem
3H611 Great grandparents half siblings great-great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 3x rem
3U16 Great grandparents unkn siblings child2nd cousin 2x rem
3U27 Great grandparents unkn siblings grandchild2nd cousin 1xrem
3U38 Great grandparents unkn siblings great grandchild3rd cousin
3U49 Great grandparents unkn siblings great-great grandchild3rd cousin 1x rem
3U510 Great grandparents unkn siblings great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 2x rem
3U611 Great grandparents unkn siblings great-great-great-great grandchild3rd cousin 3x rem
BLO-3 Blood relation – otherBlood relation – other
NBS-1 Non-blood relation – proband spouseNon-blood relation – proband spouse
NBO-1 Non-blood relation – other Non-blood relation – other
XXX-9 Relationship is completely unknownUnknown

12LINEAGEnumber (1,0)Required:false
An indication of which line down the pedigree a relative descends from. Maternal or Paternal or Both to be used in conjunction with the RELATION_CODE to denote lineage.
Allowable Values

13CONTROL_FLGnumber (1,0)Required:false
A flag used to identify a subject specifically recruited as a control throughout all population-based families. Note: There were no controls recruited through the clinic-based families. Also, CENTER_NO 12 generally enrolled CRC-unaffected family members as controls but did not specifically tag/identify them.
Allowable Values
1Population-based Control Proband
2Population-based Control Relative (Australia Only)
3Spouse Control