Australian Diet

Module: australian-diet

Module Contents

  1. australian-diet

1CENTER_NOnumber (2,0)Required:false
Center identification number.
Allowable Values
13University of Melbourne, Australia

2PERSON_ID (*PK)number (12,0)Required:false
Number that uniquely identifies an individual. *PERSON_ID is the primary key for the table.

3DATE_COMPLETEDnumber (8,0)Required:false
Date questionnaire was completed

4FRUIT_AMT_PER_DAYnumber (1,0)Required:false
How many pieces of fresh fruit do you usually eat per day? (Count 1/2 cup of diced fruit, berries or grapes as one piece.)
Allowable Values
1I don’t eat fruit
2less than 1 piece of fruit per day
31 piece of fruit per day
42 pieces of fruit per day
53 pieces of fruit per day
64 or more pieces of fruit per day

5VEG_AMT_PER_DAYnumber (1,0)Required:false
How many different vegetables do you usually eat per day? (Count all types, fresh, frozen or tinned.)
Allowable Values
1less than 1 vegetable per day
21 vegetable per day
32 vegetables per day
43 vegetables per day
54 vegetables per day
65 vegetables per day
76 or more vegetables per day

6MILKTYPE_NONEnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of milk do you usually use? (none)
Allowable Values

7MILKTYPE_FULL_CREAMnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of milk do you usually use? (full cream milk)
Allowable Values

8MILKTYPE_REDUCED_FATnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of milk do you usually use? (reduced fat milk)
Allowable Values

9MILKTYPE_SKIMnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of milk do you usually use? (skim milk)
Allowable Values

10MILKTYPE_SOYAnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of milk do you usually use? (soya milk)
Allowable Values

11MILK_AMT_PER_DAYnumber (1,0)Required:false
How much milk do you usually use per day?
Allowable Values
3between 250 and 500ml
4between 500 and 750ml

12BREADTYPE_NONEnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of bread do you usually eat? (I don’t eat bread)
Allowable Values

13BREADTYPE_HI_FIBERnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of bread do you usually eat? (high fibre white bread)
Allowable Values

14BREADTYPE_WHITEnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of bread do you usually eat? (white bread)
Allowable Values

15BREADTYPE_WHOLEMEALnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of bread do you usually eat? (wholemeal bread)
Allowable Values

16BREADTYPE_RYEnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of bread do you usually eat? (rye bread)
Allowable Values

17BREADTYPE_MULTI_GRAINnumber (1,0)Required:false
What type of bread do you usually eat? (multi-grain bread)
Allowable Values

18BREAD_AMT_PER_DAYnumber (1,0)Required:false
How many slices of bread do you usually eat per day?
Allowable Values
1less than 1 slice per day
21 slice per day
32 slices per day
43 slices per day
54 slices per day
65-7 slices per day
78 or more slices per day

19BREAD_SPREAD_NONEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Which spread do you usually put on bread? (I don’t usually use any fat spread)
Allowable Values

20BREAD_SPREAD_MARGARINEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Which spread do you usually put on bread? (margarine of any kind)
Allowable Values

21BREAD_SPREAD_POLYUNSAT_MARGnumber (1,0)Required:false
Which spread do you usually put on bread? (polyunsaturated margarine)
Allowable Values

22BREAD_SPREAD_MONOUNSAT_MARGnumber (1,0)Required:false
Which spread do you usually put on bread? (monounsaturated margarine)
Allowable Values

23BREAD_SPREAD_BUTTER_MARG_BLENDnumber (1,0)Required:false
Which spread do you usually put on bread? (butter and margarine blends)
Allowable Values

24BREAD_SPREAD_BUTTERnumber (1,0)Required:false
Which spread do you usually put on bread? (butter)
Allowable Values

25SUGAR_AMT_PER_DAYnumber (1,0)Required:false
On average, how many teaspoons of sugar do you usually use per day?
Allowable Values
21 to 4 teaspoons per day
35 to 8 teaspoons per day
49 to 12 teaspoons per day
5more than 12 teaspoons per day

26EGGS_AMT_PER_WEEKnumber (1,0)Required:false
On average, how many eggs do you usually eat per week?
Allowable Values
1I don’t eat eggs
2less than 1 egg per week
31 to 2 eggs per week
43 to 5 eggs per week
56 or more eggs per week

27CHEESE_TYPE_NONEnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (I don’t eat cheese)
Allowable Values

28CHEESE_TYPE_HARDnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (hard cheeses e.g. parmesan, romano)
Allowable Values

29CHEESE_TYPE_FIRMnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (firm cheeses e.g. cheddar, edam)
Allowable Values

30CHEESE_TYPE_SOFTnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (soft cheeses e.g. camembert, brie)
Allowable Values

31CHEESE_TYPE_RICOTTA_COTTAGEnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (ricotta or cottage cheese)
Allowable Values

32CHEESE_TYPE_CREAMnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (cream cheese)
Allowable Values

33CHEESE_TYPE_LOW_FATnumber (1,0)Required:false
What types of cheese do you usually eat? (low fat cheese)
Allowable Values

34POTATO_USUAL_AMTnumber (1,0)Required:false
When you ate potato, did you usually eat:
Allowable Values
1I never ate potato
2Less than 60g
4Between 60 and 100g
6Between 100 and 150g
8More than 150g

35VEGETABLES_USUAL_AMTnumber (1,0)Required:false
When you ate vegetables, did you usually eat:
Allowable Values
1I never ate vegetables
2Less than 130g
4Between 130 and 250g
6Between 250 and 415g
8More than 415g

36STEAK_USUAL_AMTnumber (1,0)Required:false
When you ate steak, did you usually eat:
Allowable Values
1I never ate steak
2Less than 100g
4Between 100 and 125g
6Between 125 and 175g
8More than 175g

37CASSEROLE_USUAL_AMTnumber (1,0)Required:false
When you ate meat or vegetable casserole, did you usually eat:
Allowable Values
1I never ate meat or vegetable casserole
2Less than 130g
4Between 130 and 250g
6Between 250 and 415g
8More than 415g

38ALLBRAN_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat All Bran?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

39OTHER_BRAN_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat Sultana Bran, Fibre Plus or Branflakes?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

40WEETIES_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat Weet Bix, Vita Brits or Weeties?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

41CEREAL_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat Cornflakes, Nutrigrain or Special K?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

42PORRIDGE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat porridge?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

43MUESLI_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat muesli?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

44RICE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat rice?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

45PASTA_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat pasta or noodles (include lasagne)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

46CRACKERS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat crackers, crispbread or dry biscuits?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

47SWEET_BISCUITS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat sweet biscuits?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

48SWEET_PASTRIES_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat cakes, sweet pies, tarts and other sweet pastries?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

49SAVORY_PASTRIES_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat meat pies, pasties, quiche, and other savory pastries?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

50PIZZA_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat pizza?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

51HAMBURGER_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat a hamburger with a bun?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

52CHOCOLATE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat chocolate?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

53FLAVORED_MILK_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat flavoured milk drink?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

54NUTS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat nuts?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

55PEANUT_BUTTER_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat peanut butter or peanut paste?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

56CHIPS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat corn chips, potato crisps, Twisties etc.?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

57JAM_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat jam, marmalade, honey or syrups?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

58VEGEMITE_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat Vegemite, Marmite or Promite?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

59CHEESE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat cheese?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

60ICE_CREAM_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat ice-cream?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

61YOGHURT_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat yoghurt?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

62BEEF_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat beef?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

63VEAL_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat veal?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

64CHICKEN_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat chicken?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

65LAMB_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat lamb?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

66PORK_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat pork?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

67BACON_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat bacon?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

68HAM_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat ham?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

69PROCESSED_MEAT_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat corned beef, luncheon meats or salami?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

70SAUSAGE_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat sausages or frankfurters?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

71FISH_NOT_FRIED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat fish, steamed, grilled or baked?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

72FISH_FRIED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat fish, fried (include take-away)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

73FISH_TINNED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat fish, tinned?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

74FRUIT_TINNED_FROZEN_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat tinned or frozen fruit (any kind)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

75FRUIT_JUICE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat fruit juice?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

76FRUIT_CITRUS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat oranges or other citrus fruit?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

77APPLES_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat apples?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

78PEARS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat pears?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

79BANANAS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat bananas?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

80MELON_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat watermelon, rockmelon (cantaloupe), honeydew etc.?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

81PINEAPPLE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat pineapple?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

82STRAWBERRIES_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat strawberries?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

83APRICOTS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat apricots?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

84PEACHES_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat peaches or nectarines?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

85MANGO_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat mango or paw paw?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

86AVOCADO_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat avocado?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

87POTATOES_ROASTED_FRIED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat potatoes roasted or fried (include hot chips)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

88POTATOES_NO_FAT_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat potatoes cooked without fat?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

89TOMATO_SAUCE_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat tomato sauce, tomato paste or dried tomatoes?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

90TOMATOES_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat fresh or tinned tomatoes?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

91CAPSICUM_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat peppers (capsicum)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

92LETTUCE_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat lettuce, endive or other salad greens?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

93CUCUMBER_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat cucumber?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

94CELERY_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat celery?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

95BEETROOT_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat beetroot?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

96CARROTS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat carrots?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

97CABBAGE_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat cabbage or brussel sprouts?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

98CAULIFLOWER_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat cauliflower?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

99BROCCOLI_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat broccoli?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

100SPINACH_LIKE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat silverbeet or spinach?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

101PEAS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat peas?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

102GREEN_BEANS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat green beans?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

103SPROUTS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

104BEANS_BAKED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat baked beans?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

105BEANS_SOY_TOFU_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat soy beans, soy bean curd or tofu?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

106BEANS_OTHER_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat other beans (include chick peas, lentils etc.)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

107PUMPKIN_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat pumpkin?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

108ONION_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat onion or leeks?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

109GARLIC_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat garlic (not garlic tablets)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

110MUSHROOMS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat mushrooms?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

111ZUCCHINI_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you eat zucchini?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 times per month
41 time per week
52 times per week
63 to 4 times per week
75 to 6 times per week
81 time per day
92 times per day
103 or more times per day

112BEER_LIGHT_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you drink Beer (low alcohol)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 days per month
41 day per week
52 days per week
63 days per week
74 days per week
85 days per week
96 days per week

113BEER_REGULAR_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you drink Beer (full strength)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 days per month
41 day per week
52 days per week
63 days per week
74 days per week
85 days per week
96 days per week

114WINE_RED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you drink Red wine?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 days per month
41 day per week
52 days per week
63 days per week
74 days per week
85 days per week
96 days per week

115WINE_WHITE_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you drink White wine (include sparkling wines)?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 days per month
41 day per week
52 days per week
63 days per week
74 days per week
85 days per week
96 days per week

116WINE_FORTIFIED_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you drink Fortified wines, port, sherry, etc?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 days per month
41 day per week
52 days per week
63 days per week
74 days per week
85 days per week
96 days per week

117SPIRITS_FRQ_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, how often did you drink Spirits, liqueurs, etc?
Allowable Values
2Less than once per month
31-3 days per month
41 day per week
52 days per week
63 days per week
74 days per week
85 days per week
96 days per week

118ALCOHOL_USUAL_PER_DAY_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, on the days when you were drinking, how many glasses of beer, wine and/or spirits altogether did you usually drink? (Total Number of glasses per day)
Allowable Values
1 to 10 or 99Range
1010 or more

119ALCOHOL_MAX_PER_DAY_PAST_YRnumber (2,0)Required:false
Over the last 12 months, what was the max. number of glasses of beer, wine and/or spirits that you drank in 24 hours? (Maximum number of glasses per 24 hours)
Allowable Values
1019 or more