
Module: biospecimens

Module Contents

  1. block-spec

1CENTER_NO (*PK)number (2,0)Required:true
Center Identification Number. *CENTER_NO + BLOCK_SPEC_CID are the primary key for the table.
Allowable Values
11Sinai Health Systems (formerly Cancer Care Ontario)
12University of Southern California Consortium (USCC)
13University of Melbourne
14University of Hawaii Cancer Center
15Mayo Clinic
16Fred Hutch, Seattle
17University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) (formerly CPIC, originally Northern California (NCCC))

2PERSON_IDstring (12)Required:true
Number that uniquely identifies an individual.

3TUMOR_NOnumber (2,0)Required:false
Sequential number, starting with “1”, assigned to each tumor for a given individual when entered into the local system.
Date Value Check
The date must follow to the following format:

Format YYYYMMDD. Must consist of valid date.
Components of date should be right justified and zero filled.
MM = 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD = 01 – 31, 88, 99
YYYY = Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
Use 88, 8888 for not currently known, in progress to obtain information.
Use 99, 9999 for not known.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If MM = 99 then DD must = 99.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If YYYY = 9999 then MM and DD must = 99.

The following special parameters are used:

Allowable Values
1 to 99 or -9, -15Range
1, 2, 3, … Tumor number in cancer table.
-9NA/Out of scope: Tissue is not cancer or contiguous adenoma
-15Information Unknown

4BLOCK_SPEC_CID (*PK)string (15)Required:true
Unique local identifier used at a center to uniquely identify a block tissue specimen. *CENTER_NO + BLOCK_SPEC_CID are the primary key for the table.

5BLOCK_CUSTODYnumber (2,0)Required:true
Indicates whether or not the center is currently in custody of tissue specimen.
Allowable Values
9Not Known

6BLOCK_SOURCEstring (16)Required:true
The tissue source or origin in as much detail as is known. For tumor tissue, ICD-O-3 site code should be used.

7COLLECTION_CIDstring (30)Required:true
Identifier used internally by centers to denote a unique surgical event

8DATE_RECEIVEDstring (8)Required:true
Date specimen was received into the laboratory of a CRC-CFR center. Format: YYYYMMDD.
Date Value Check
The date must follow to the following format:

Format YYYYMMDD. Must consist of valid date.
Components of date should be right justified and zero filled.
MM = 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD = 01 – 31, 88, 99
YYYY = Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
Use 88, 8888 for not currently known, in progress to obtain information.
Use 99, 9999 for not known.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If MM = 99 then DD must = 99.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If YYYY = 9999 then MM and DD must = 99.

The following special parameters are used:
1980Minimum year

Allowable Values
YYYY Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
MM 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD 01 – 31, 88, 99
If YYYY 9999 then MM and DD must
If MM 99 then DD must

9DATE_TAKENstring (8)Required:true
Date specimen was taken from patient. Format: YYYYMMDD.
Date Value Check
The date must follow to the following format:

Format YYYYMMDD. Must consist of valid date.
Components of date should be right justified and zero filled.
MM = 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD = 01 – 31, 88, 99
YYYY = Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
Use 88, 8888 for not currently known, in progress to obtain information.
Use 99, 9999 for not known.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If MM = 99 then DD must = 99.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If YYYY = 9999 then MM and DD must = 99.

The following special parameters are used:
1970Minimum year

Allowable Values
YYYY Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
MM 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD 01 – 31, 88, 99
If YYYY 9999 then MM and DD must
If MM 99 then DD must

10IS_DEPLETEDnumber (1,0)Required:true
Indicates whether the material has been depleted through testing, processing, and dispatching.
Allowable Values

11TISSUE_TYPEnumber (1,0)Required:true
Type of tissue specimen received.
Allowable Values
2Prophylactic material
3Normal tissue
4Tumor + normal tissue
5Polyp + normal tissue
9Not Known
10 Metastatic
11 Local recurrence

12POLYP_NOnumber (2,0)Required:false
Sequential number over range of 1 to 3 to distinguish a polyp removed on a particular date. The tuple PERSON_ID, DATE_COLLECTED, and POLYP_NO uniquely identify a physical polyp globally within the CFR database.
Date Value Check
The date must follow to the following format:

Format YYYYMMDD. Must consist of valid date.
Components of date should be right justified and zero filled.
MM = 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD = 01 – 31, 88, 99
YYYY = Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
Use 88, 8888 for not currently known, in progress to obtain information.
Use 99, 9999 for not known.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If MM = 99 then DD must = 99.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If YYYY = 9999 then MM and DD must = 99.

The following special parameters are used:

Allowable Values
-9NA/Out of scope. Tissue is not a polyp
-1 Polyp has IHC/MSI result but center is currently unable to locate polyp pathology information. Center review to obtain this information is currently underway

13PATH_REPORT_RECEIVEDnumber (1,0)Required:false
Indicates whether a pathology report has been received for subject/specimen.
Allowable Values
9Not Known