
Module: biospecimens

Module Contents

  1. block-prod

1CENTER_NO (PK*)number (2,0)Required:true
Center Identification Number.*CENTER_NO + BLOCK_PROD_CID are the primary key for the table.
Allowable Values
11Sinai Health Systems (formerly Cancer Care Ontario)
12University of Southern California Consortium (USCC)
13University of Melbourne
14University of Hawaii Cancer Center
15Mayo Clinic
16Fred Hutch, Seattle
17University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) (formerly CPIC, originally Northern California (NCCC))

2BLOCK_PROD_CID (PK*)string (17)Required:true
Unique local identifier used at a center to uniquely identify a block. *CENTER_NO + BLOCK_PROD_CID are the primary key for the table.

3BLOCK_SPEC_CIDstring (17)Required:true
Unique local identifier used at a center to uniquely identify a block tissue specimen.

4IS_DISPATCHABLEnumber (1,0)Required:true
Indicates whether the center is willing to dispatch the material to external investigators.
Date Value Check
The date must follow to the following format:

Format YYYYMMDD. Must consist of valid date.
Components of date should be right justified and zero filled.
MM = 01 – 12, 88, 99
DD = 01 – 31, 88, 99
YYYY = Minimum year – system date year, 8888, 9999
Use 88, 8888 for not currently known, in progress to obtain information.
Use 99, 9999 for not known.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If MM = 99 then DD must = 99.
If century is known, but year is unknown then give an estimate of year or code YYYY = 9999.
If YYYY = 9999 then MM and DD must = 99.

The following special parameters are used:

Allowable Values

5IS_DEPLETEDnumber (1,0)Required:true
Indicates whether the material has been depleted through testing, processing, and dispatching.
Allowable Values

6BLOCK_PROD_TYPEnumber (1,0)Required:true
Type of block product
Allowable Values
1Single H and E slide
2Set of H and E slides with the same basic properties
3Single uncoated (i.e. uncharged) slide
4Set of uncoated (i.e. uncharged) slides with the same basic properties
5Single coated (i.e. charged) slide
6Set of coated (i.e. charged) slides with the same basic properties
7Single section tube
8Set of section tubes

7COUNT_ORIGnumber (4,0)Required:true
Original number of slides or section tubes in the group corresponding to this record.

8COUNT_REMnumber (4,0)Required:true
Current number of slides or section tubes in the group corresponding to this record.

9COUNT_REM_DISPnumber (4,0)Required:true
Current number of slides or section tubes in the group corresponding to this record remaining at the time of transmission that is available for dispatch (excludes material held in reserve).

10LOCATIONnumber (1,0)Required:true
Storage site for a specimen.
Allowable Values
4Multiple Sites

11THICKNESSnumber (6,2)Required:false
Thickness of section or sections in microns.

12DIGITAL_IMAGEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Flag indicating a digital image of the H & E slide is available. This need only be populated where BLOCK_PROD_TYPE = 1 or 2 (H & E slide).
Allowable Values

13EN_NEO_CELL_PCnumber (3,0)Required:false
Proportion (defined as percent) of tumor within tumor bed (area on PET slide that contains tumor cells) that contains the highest density of tumor cells compared to non-neoplastic elements. This need only be populated where BLOCK_PROD_TYPE = 1 or 2 (H & E slide).
Allowable Values
1 to 100 or 999Range