Authors Chau R, Jenkins MA, Buchanan DD, et al. Citation Fam Cancer. 2015 Dec 17. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4803603
Common colorectal cancer risk alleles contribute to the multiple colorectal adenoma phenotype, but do not influence colonic polyposis in FAP.
Authors Cheng TH, Gorman M, Martin L, et al. Citation Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 Feb;23(2):260-3. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4140766
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies common susceptibility polymorphisms for colorectal and endometrial cancer near SH2B3 and TSHZ1.
Authors Cheng TH, Thompson D, Painter J, et al. Citation Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 1;5:17369. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4664893
Female Hormonal Factors and the Risk of Endometrial Cancer in Lynch Syndrome.
Authors Dashti SG, Chau R, Quakrim DA, et al. Citation JAMA. 2015 Jul 7;314(1):61-71. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4688894
Long-term psychosocial and behavioral adjustment in individuals receiving genetic test results in Lynch syndrome.
Authors Esplen JM, Won J, Aronson M, et al. Citation Clin Genet. 2015 Jun;87(6):525-32. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4391982
Mutation Spectrum and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in African American Families with Lynch Syndrome.
Authors Guindalini RS, Win AK, Gulden C, et al. Citation Gastroenterology. 2015 Nov;149(6):1446-53. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4648287
Prediagnostic Physical Activity and Colorectal Cancer Survival: Overall and Stratified by Tumor Characteristics.
Authors Hardikar S, Newcomb PA, Campbell PT, et al. Citation Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Jul;24(7):1130-7. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4491038
Childhood Cancers in families with and without Lynch syndrome.
Authors Heath JA, Reece JC, Buchanan DD, et al. Citation Fam Cancer. 2015 Dec;14(4):545-51. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4631656
Cross Cancer Genomic Investigation of Inflammation Pathway for Five Common Cancers: Lung, Ovary, Prostate, Breast, and Colorectal Cancer.
Authors Hung RJ, Ulrich CM, Goode EL, et al. Citation J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015 Aug 29;107(11). PubMedLink PMCID PMC4675100
Meat intake, cooking methods, dietary carcinogens, and colorectal cancer risk: findings from the Colorectal Cancer Family Registry.
Authors Joshi AD, Kim A, Lewinger JP, et al. Citation Cancer Med. 2015 Jun;4(6):936-52. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4472216