Authors Guindalini RS, Win AK, Gulden C, et al. Citation Gastroenterology. 2015 Nov;149(6):1446-53. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4648287
Prediagnostic Physical Activity and Colorectal Cancer Survival: Overall and Stratified by Tumor Characteristics.
Authors Hardikar S, Newcomb PA, Campbell PT, et al. Citation Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Jul;24(7):1130-7. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4491038
Childhood Cancers in families with and without Lynch syndrome.
Authors Heath JA, Reece JC, Buchanan DD, et al. Citation Fam Cancer. 2015 Dec;14(4):545-51. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4631656
Cross Cancer Genomic Investigation of Inflammation Pathway for Five Common Cancers: Lung, Ovary, Prostate, Breast, and Colorectal Cancer.
Authors Hung RJ, Ulrich CM, Goode EL, et al. Citation J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015 Aug 29;107(11). PubMedLink PMCID PMC4675100
Meat intake, cooking methods, dietary carcinogens, and colorectal cancer risk: findings from the Colorectal Cancer Family Registry.
Authors Joshi AD, Kim A, Lewinger JP, et al. Citation Cancer Med. 2015 Jun;4(6):936-52. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4472216
Comparison of Prediction Models for Lynch Syndrome Among Individuals with Colorectal Cancer.
Authors Kastrinos F, Ojha RP, Leenen C, et al. Citation J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015 Nov 18;108(2). PubMedLink PMCID PMC4862416
Identification of a common variant with potential pleiotropic effect on risk of inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer.
Authors Khalili H, Gong J, Brenner H, et al. Citation Carcinogenesis. 2015 Sep;36(9):999-1007. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4573660
A genome-wide association study for colorectal cancer identifies a risk locus in 14q23.1.
Authors Lemire M, Qu C, Loo LWM, et al. Citation Hum Genet. 2015 Nov;134(11-12):1249-62. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4687971
Long-range epigenetic regulation is conferred by genetic variation located at thousands of independent loci.
Authors Lemire M, Zaidi SH, Ban M, et al. Citation Nat Commun. 2015 Feb 26;6:6326. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4351585
The effect of 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin chemotherapy on CpG methylation, or the confounding role of leukocyte heterogeneity: an illustration.
Authors Lemire M, Zaidi SH, Zanke BW, et al. Citation Genomics. 2015 Dec;106(6):340-7. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4722538