Authors Ait Ouakrim D, Dashti SG, Chau R, et al. Citation J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015 Jun 24;107(9). PubMedLink PMCID PMC4651105
A new GWAS and meta-analysis with 1000Genomes imputation identifies novel risk variants for colorectal cancer.
Authors Al-Tassan NA, Whiffin N, Hosking FJ, et al. Citation Sci Rep. 2015 May 20;5:10442. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4438486
Red meat intake, NAT2, and risk of colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of 11 studies.
Authors Ananthakrishnan AN, Du M, Berndt SI, et al. Citation Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Jan;24(1):198-205. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4294960
Lynch syndrome and cervical cancer.
Authors Antill YC, Dowty JG, Win AK, et al. Citation Int J Cancer. 2015 Dec 1;137(11):2757-61. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4573262
Association between body mass index and mortality for colorectal cancer survivors: overall and by tumor molecular phenotype.
Authors Campbell PT, Newton CC, Newcomb PA, et al. Citation Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Aug;24(8):1229-38. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4526409
Determining the familial risk distribution of colorectal cancer: a data mining approach.
Authors Chau R, Jenkins MA, Buchanan DD, et al. Citation Fam Cancer. 2015 Dec 17. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4803603
Common colorectal cancer risk alleles contribute to the multiple colorectal adenoma phenotype, but do not influence colonic polyposis in FAP.
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Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies common susceptibility polymorphisms for colorectal and endometrial cancer near SH2B3 and TSHZ1.
Authors Cheng TH, Thompson D, Painter J, et al. Citation Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 1;5:17369. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4664893
Female Hormonal Factors and the Risk of Endometrial Cancer in Lynch Syndrome.
Authors Dashti SG, Chau R, Quakrim DA, et al. Citation JAMA. 2015 Jul 7;314(1):61-71. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4688894
Long-term psychosocial and behavioral adjustment in individuals receiving genetic test results in Lynch syndrome.
Authors Esplen JM, Won J, Aronson M, et al. Citation Clin Genet. 2015 Jun;87(6):525-32. PubMedLink PMCID PMC4391982