Principal Investigators

Mark A. Jenkins, PhD (contact PI)
The University of Melbourne – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Dr Jenkins is the Director of the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics at The University of Melbourne (UoM) and Head of the Centre’s Colorectal Cancer Unit, with a 20-year history of leading cancer epidemiological research in collaboration with statisticians, molecular geneticists, clinicians, and computer scientists. Dr Jenkins’ primary research interest, as a genetic epidemiologist, is determining the risks of cancers for carriers of inherited genetic mutations and determining the genetic and environmental factors that are associated with the reduction or increase in these risks (modifiers). Dr Jenkins has led the Colon Cancer Family Registry since 2017 as the Administrative Principal Investigator and has been a Multiple Principal Investigator or co-Investigator since its inception in 1998.

Steven Gallinger, MD
Sinai Health System – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr Gallinger is a surgical oncologist and has a longstanding interest in genetic determinants of prognosis and response to therapy. Dr Gallinger’s group at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute developed large infrastructures of biospecimens and data that are both clinic-based and population-based in the province of Ontario, Canada. Dr Gallinger has led colorectal and pancreas cancer genetic programs at the University of Toronto for over 30 years. He now leads the Clinical Translation Program at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

Loic Le Marchand, MD, PhD
The University of Hawai’i at Manoa – Manoa, Hawai’i
Dr Le Marchand is a Professor in the Population Sciences in the Pacific Program (Cancer Epidemiology) and currently serves as Associate Director for Population Sciences and Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) at the University of Hawai’i Cancer Center (UHCC). Dr Le Marchand has published extensively on the role of biological and lifestyle factors in the etiology of cancer, especially addressing racial/ethnic disparities in cancer risk and outcomes. In 2022, Dr Le Marchand was honored by AACR with the Distinguished Lectureship on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities.

N. Jewel Samadder, MD
Mayo Clinic – Arizona Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Dr. Samadder is a Gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona and professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Dr. Samadder also directs the high-risk cancer clinic at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, which provides personalized patient care plans, genetic consultation, and testing to patients with early onset cancer, rare cancers and hereditary cancers. His research interests focus on the genetic epidemiology and outcomes of patients with hereditary cancer syndromes, including (but not limited to), those with Lynch syndrome, FAP, MAP, Li Fraumeni, BRCA syndromes. He has also led multiple chemoprevention trials (vaccines and medications) for the prevention of cancer in those with inherited susceptibility.

Amanda I. Phipps, PhD, MPH
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center – Seattle, Washington, USA
Dr Phipps is a cancer epidemiologist and faculty member with the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, whose research centers around identifying factors associated with cancer survival. In particular, Dr Phipps is interested in integrating knowledge of tumor biology with information on modifiable and non-modifiable patient attributes to facilitate better understanding of the factors that drive patient prognosis and impact the burden of cancer.

Stephanie L. Schmit, PhD, MPH
Cleveland Clinic – Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Dr Schmidt’s is a genetic and molecular epidemiologist conducting research at the Cleveland Clinic that focuses on the genetic and molecular epidemiology of colorectal cancer (CRC). Dr Schmidt recently led the analysis of one of the largest GWAS of CRC susceptibility conducted to date with the Colon Cancer Family Registry (CCFR), the Colorectal Transdisciplinary (CORECT) study, and the Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium (GECCO), and has been productively collaborating with CCFR investigators for over a decade.

Iona Cheng, PhD
The University of California San Francisco – San Francisco, California, USA
Dr Cheng is based in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr Cheng is also Chief of the Cancer Epidemiology Division, and Member of the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr Cheng is a cancer epidemiologist, and the Principal Investigator of multiple National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded and foundation-funded projects aimed at examining molecular, lifestyle, environmental, and neighborhood factors for their contribution to cancer risk. Dr Cheng’s extensive research program focuses on investigating racial/ethnic differences in cancer incidence and mortality.

Dan Buchanan, PhD
The University of Melbourne – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Dr Buchanan leads a multi-disciplinary research group, the Colorectal Oncogenomics Group, which investiagtes the application of genomics and molecular pathology for the precision prevention of colorectal cancer. He has >270 peer-reviewed publications on the aetiology of colorectal and endometrial cancer. He has an honorary appointment within the Genomic Medicine and Familial Cancer Centre at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and is a member of the national eviQ Cancer Genetics Reference Committee where he contributes to the improving the diagnosis and risk management of hereditary cancer and polyposis syndromes. He is a member of the ClinGen-InSiGHT CRC-Polyposis Variant Curation Expert Panel (VCEP) tasked with developing international variant classification guidelines for hereditary colorectal cancer susceptibility genes. He is the PI of the International Genetics of Colonic Polyposis Study (GCPS), the PI of the NHMRC-funded ANGELS study aimed at applying novel genomic approaches to early-onset and suspected Lynch syndrome colorectal and endometrial cancers. He is one of the multi-PIs of the Colon Cancer Family Registry Cohort (CCFRC) for Phase VI (2023-2028) and has been the Co-PI of the Australasian Colorectal Cancer Family Registry (ACCFR) since 2014 and an active member of the CCFRC since 2006 including managing the ACCFR’s biorepository and as a leader of the Genomics and Molecular Pathology research.
Community Representative

John Stubbs, OA
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
John is a committed and passionate advocate for people affected by cancer and chronic disease. He holds degrees in Accounting and Arts and is a regular speaker at medical conferences in Australia and internationally about health policy, advocacy, clinical trials, clinician training, research, and the benefits of consumer involvement. He was awarded an Honorary Associate of the University of Sydney – School of Medicine in 2009 for work in the promotion of Research and Clinical Trials in Australia and a Recognition Award from the Federal Department of Health in 2011 for – “long standing commitment to advancing the quality of radiation oncology services in this country”.
In January 2023 John was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to community health, particularly to people with cancer.
In May 2023 John was awarded Life Membership of the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Clinical Trials Group for his service and contribution to the organisation.

Program Manager
Allyson S. Templeton, BS, MS
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center – Seattle, Washington, USA
CCFR Program Manager since 2007, Allyson has a bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science from University of Washington (UW), a master’s degree in Environmental Science from Western Washington University, as well as a Certificate in Project Management (UW). Other than a few years as a toxicologist, Allyson has been lucky to have worked in human health research, where her passions lie. Allyson is honored to work alongside NCI and external research collaborators to support new research discoveries that improve the lives of those affected by colorectal cancer.

Informatics Manager
Maggie S. Angelakos, BSc
University of Melbourne – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Maggie is passionate about improving data integrity and providing high-level support to CCFR study sites and research collaborators world-wide. Maggie has a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Physiology from Monash University and has dedicated her career to working in research. Maggie found her true calling in data management and has served as the Informatics Manager for the Colon CFR since 2013.

Biospecimens Manager
Abiola (Abi) Oduwole, Hon BSc
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abi completed her Hon BSc. in Biology and a certificate in Project Management at the University of Toronto and has certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP) with the Project Management Institute (PMI). Abi has over 20 years laboratory experience, focusing on quality control, maintaining and enhancing best practices.
Site Study Managers

Cary Greenberg, MSc
Ontario Familial Colorectal Cancer Registry (OFCCR) – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cary completed an undergraduate degree in nutrition at the University of Guelph, and a MSc at the University of Toronto. Cary has worked as a clinical dietitian, a research dietitian and research project manager for the Diet and Breast Cancer Prevention Study at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and a research project manager for a breast cancer clinical research program and the OFCCR at Sinai Health. Cary currently serves a member of the Research Ethics Board at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Phuong Hoa
Cleveland Clinic – Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Phuong has been at Cleveland Clinic for 15 years, with 8 of those years spent working in research. Phuong has acted as study coordinator on a breast cancer study called Strive, as well as several clinical trials and investigator-initiated studies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In May 2022, Phuong joined the team as a CCFR Program Manager for the Cleveland Clinic in Lerner Research Institute-Genomics Medicine.

Australasian Colorectal Cancer Family Registry (ACCFR) Team
The University of Melbourne – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Nicole Eggers, Fiona Phillips and Fiona Munro, have made up the ACCFR team for over 8 years. This team manages over 7900 participants and their families, liaising with them to provide ongoing communication, and conducting the four to five yearly follow-ups. The team is very experienced in protocols associated with research projects and the ethical principles of good clinical research.

Hui Chang, BA, MPH
Hawai’i Colorectal Cancer Family Registry (HCCFR) – Manoa, Hawai’i
Hui completed her Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Public Health (MPH) at University of Hawai’i and also has a Japanese language program certificate from Sophia University. Hui has been working as part of the Hawai’i Colon Cancer Family Registry since 1999!

Aatikah Mouti, BS, MS
Mayo Colorectal Cancer Family Registry (MCCFR) – Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Aatikah Mouti joined the Mayo Clinic CCFR team as a Senior Clinical Research Coordinator with the Center for Individualized Medicine after working on investigational clinical trials in cardiology and ophthalmology. She earned a BS in Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology and an MS in Biomedical Informatics from Arizona State University. In addition to supporting the CCFR at Mayo, she also works with the Omics Data Concierge service and teaches a clinical research course at Paradise Valley Community College.

Rachel Malen, BS, MPH
Seattle Familial Colon Cancer Registry (SFCCR) – Seattle, Washington, USA
Rachel has a BS in Molecular Biology and a master’s of Public Health. Managing studies at Fred Hutch for over a decade, Rachel has worked in a variety of research areas including cancer genetics, health disparities, and HIV prevention. Rachel helps oversee all administrative aspects of this project, including developing participant documents and study protocols, and compliance with human subjects regulations in order to ensure scientific integrity.

Laura Allen
University of California San Francisco CCFR (formerly at CPIC)
Laura has managed large epidemiologic studies over 20 years and is an expert in a wide range of research methods. She has managed the day-to-day operations of several complex population-based cancer research studies involving quantitative and qualitative data collection from ethnically and linguistically diverse cancer patient and non-patient populations, as well as data collection via medical records abstraction and review, focus groups, and via online and mobile platforms.
As the Program Manager for the Northern California site of the Colon Cancer Family Registry, where Ms. Allen is responsible for managing the collection of epidemiologic and biospecimen data among study participants.