
Module: biospecimens

Module Contents

  1. blood-prod

1CENTER_NO (*PK)number (2,0)Required:true
Center Identification Number. *CENTER_NO + BLOOD_PROD_CID are the primary key for the table.
Allowable Values
11Sinai Health Systems (formerly Cancer Care Ontario)
12University of Southern California Consortium (USCC)
13University of Melbourne
14University of Hawaii Cancer Center
15Mayo Clinic
16Fred Hutch, Seattle
17University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) (formerly CPIC, originally Northern California (NCCC))

2BLOOD_PROD_CID (*PK)string (16)Required:true
Identifier used internally by centers for a product from a blood draw. This identifier will correspond to a single aliquot if the center individually tracks such materials. Alternatively, the identifier will correspond to a group of related aliquots (e.g. all plasma vials from the same draw) in the case where the center does not track each material independently. *CENTER_NO + BLOOD_PROD_CID are the primary key for the table.

3BLOOD_PROD_TYPEnumber (2,0)Required:true
Type of blood product
Allowable Values
1Single aliquot of whole blood
2Set of aliquots of whole blood with the same basic properties
3Single aliquot of whole blood in DMSO
4Set of aliquots of whole blood in DMSO with the same basic properties
5Single aliquot of white blood cells. Refers specifically to lymphocytes isolated using a Ficoll-Histopaque gradient centrifugation, resuspended in freeze medium and cryopreserved
6Set of white blood cells. Refers specifically to lymphocytes isolated using a Ficoll-Histopaque gradient centrifugation, resuspended in freeze medium and cryopreserved
7Single aliquot of buffy coat
8Set of aliquots of buffy coat with the same basic properties
9Single aliquot of plasma
10Set of aliquots of plasma with the same basic properties
11Total spotted blood volume (i.e. on Guthrie cards)
12Single lymphocyte pellet
13Set of lymphocyte pellets with the same properties
14Single white blood cell pellet
15 Set of white blood cell pellets with the same properties
16Single granulocyte pellet
17Set of granulocyte pellets with the same basic properties

4BLOOD_SPEC_CIDstring (15)Required:true
Unique local identifier used at a center to uniquely identify a blood tissue specimen.

5IS_DISPATCHABLEnumber (1,0)Required:true
Indicates whether the center is willing to dispatch the material to external investigators.
Allowable Values

6IS_DEPLETEDnumber (1,0)Required:true
Indicates whether the center is willing to dispatch the material to external investigators.
Allowable Values

7COUNT_ORIGnumber (4,0)Required:false
Original number of aliquots in the group corresponding to this record..

8COUNT_REMnumber (4,0)Required:false
Current number of aliquots in the group corresponding to this record remaining at the time of transmission (includes material held in reserve).

9COUNT_REM_DISPnumber (4,0)Required:false
Current number of aliquots in the group corresponding to this record remaining at the time of transmission that are available for dispatch (excludes material held in reserve).

10LOCATIONnumber (1,0)Required:false
Storage site for a specimen.
Allowable Values
4Multiple Sites

11DATE_TIME_PROCESSEDnumber (12,0)Required:false
Records the date sample was processed. Format: YYYYMMDD.

12AMT_ORIGnumber (6,2)Required:false
Original amount of material in milliliters.
Allowable Values
0 to 9999.99 or -9Range
-9Unknown quantity

13AMT_REMnumber (6,2)Required:false
Amount of material remaining at time of reporting in milliliters (includes material held in reserve).
Allowable Values
0 to 9999.99 or -9Range
-9Unknown quantity

14AMT_REM_DISPnumber (6,2)Required:false
Amount of material remaining at time of reporting in milliliters that is available for dispatch (excludes material held in reserve).
Allowable Values
0 to 9999.99 or -9Range
-9Unknown quantity

15VC_TUBE_TYPEnumber (1,0)Required:false
Vacuum tube type used.
Allowable Values
5Plain tube (no additives)

16FREEZE_COUNTnumber (1,0)Required:false
Number of times sample tube has been frozen. The default value is ‘1’, indicating the sample had been frozen only once, following the blood processing. If the sample is subsequently thawed and refrozen, the value would be 2, etc.
Allowable Values
1 to 9 or -9Range